morning energy

Boost morning energy with supplements: How to start the day on the right foot

Every morning, it's the same ritual. The alarm goes off, and despite a full night's sleep, morning energy seems to have deserted our bodies. And yet, there are solutions to help you feel energized from the moment you jump out of bed.

Find out how to boost your morning energy with supplements and healthy habits.

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Why is it so hard to get up in the morning?

Getting out of bed can sometimes be like climbing a mountain.

But why?

The impact of sleep on our morning energy

Sleep is to our bodies what gasoline is to a car.

Without it, it's impossible to move forward.

But it's not just about quantity, it's also about quality.

Sleep cycles and their importance

Imagine your night as a symphony.

Each sleep phase is a different movement, and to feel rested, you need to have gone through them all.

If one of them is interrupted, the whole melody is out of sync.

Sleep cycles are essential for feeling rested.

If one of them is disrupted, it can affect our energy in the morning.

The importance of sleep quality

We've all had those nights when, despite spending hours under the comforter, we wake up more tired than the day before.

The quality of sleep is just as crucial as its duration.

Restless, interrupted or light sleep does not allow the body to recover properly.

And you feel it as soon as you wake up.

To improve the quality of your sleep, it's essential to take care of your environment: a well-ventilated bedroom, suitable bedding and the absence of light sources can work wonders.

The influence of light on our biological clock

In winter, when the days get shorter, it's common to feel more tired.

This is no coincidence.

The role of melatonin

Melatonin, often referred to as the "sleep hormone", plays a crucial role in our biological clock.

Its production is influenced by luminosity.

As the sun sets, our bodies begin to secrete this hormone, signaling that it's time to go to bed.

Conversely, its production decreases at dawn.

That's why the short, dark days of winter can disrupt our rhythm and make us groggier in the morning.

To counter this, some people turn to melatonin supplements.

But beware: they should not be used systematically, and it's best to consult a health professional before including them in your routine.

In short, boosting energy in the morning is a balancing act between a healthy lifestyle, an appropriate diet and, if necessary, the addition of supplements.

In the second part of this article, we'll explore different solutions for boosting your energy from the moment you wake up. 

A few tips for more energy in the morning

Many people dream of feeling refreshed and ready to go as soon as they get out of bed.

While some people are naturally early risers, others need a little boost.

Here are a few tips to get your day off to a good start.

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The importance of a balanced breakfast

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day.

And with good reason!

After a night of fasting, the body needs fuel to get going.

Proteins as a source of energy

Protein isn't just for athletes.

They play a crucial role in the feeling of satiety and provide energy over the long term.

An egg, a yoghurt or a handful of almonds can do wonders to avoid the 10 a.m. rush.

The benefits of fruit and slow sugars

Fruit, with its vitamins and natural sugars, is perfect for an immediate boost.

As for slow sugars, such as oatmeal or wholemeal bread, they provide energy over several hours.

It's like putting wood in the fireplace to keep the fire going all morning.

Morning habits to adopt

Beyond diet, certain routines can help you feel more energetic in the morning.

The importance of natural light

It's a well-known fact that daylight helps regulate our biological clock.

As soon as you wake up, opening the shutters or taking a short walk outside can help you feel more alert.

It's as if the body understands that it's time to get moving.

The benefits of morning exercise

The idea of exercising as soon as you wake up may seem far-fetched.

And yet, a little stretching or yoga can do wonders for body and mind.

It's a bit like oiling a machine to keep it running optimally.

Supplements and natural aids to boost energy

If, despite all these tips, mornings are still an ordeal, there are natural solutions to help the body get going.

Food supplements

There are a multitude of dietary supplements designed to boost energy.

Whether based on vitamins, minerals or herbs, they can be an invaluable ally for those difficult mornings.

However, it is essential to choose quality products and consult a health professional before incorporating them into your routine.

Essential oils

Certain essential oils, such as lemon or peppermint, are renowned for their stimulating properties.

A few drops in a diffuser or on a handkerchief can help you feel more alert.

Managing stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can greatly affect sleep quality and, consequently, morning energy.

Techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can help to manage these emotions and improve sleep quality.

In short, boosting your energy in the morning is within everyone's reach.

Whether it's adopting good habits, looking after your diet or turning to natural aids, everyone can find the solution that suits them best.

And don't forget, every morning is a new opportunity to start the day on the right foot. So why not make the most of it?


Every morning offers a new chance to start the day with energy and vitality.

By adopting good habits, looking after your diet and exploring natural solutions, it's possible to transform these first moments of the day into a source of dynamism and well-being.

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