GMP certified

Customer Reviews

Based on 55 reviews
Simon Latulippe
Sommeil récupérateur sans être dans la colle

Dès la première fois que ma copine et moi avons essayé ce produit, nous nous sommes réveillés le lendemain en se disant que c'était la première fois depuis longtemps que nous nous étions sentis aussi reposés - et ce n'est pas parce que nous dormons habituellement mal non plus. Le Herbal Night a vraiment favorisé un endormissement facile et un sommeil plus récupérateur.

Gabrielle David

J’adore cette formule, elle favorise mon endormissement en me mettant dans un état de calme, j’obtiens des nuits beaucoup plus récupératrices et je me sens bien et en forme lendemain matin!
Je le recommande même à certaines de mes clientes et nous avons des résultats positifs.

GP Joa
Herbal Night pills

I found these pills although big easy enough to swallow with a glass of water and no taste.They are not the cheapest option but if it helps you get a good night sleep I find it worth trying.They certainly help me stay asleep and didn't affect me the next day I was alert, no problem.Of course when it comes to medication or vitamins everyone's body reacts differently.Therefore if you have difficulties sleeping give it a try.

Mr Poochman
Unsure of efficacy. May return to melatonin when bottle finished.

NIH - Herbal Night 2.0 - Natural Sleep Aid (No Melatonin) with Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Magnolia & Magnesium Glycinate - Sleep Support, Deep Relaxation, Restful Sleep & Insomnia Relief - 90 Capsules3.5*$34.99 (subscribe and save available)Have used NIH supplements successfully before.Used to melatonin (without hangover or grogginess).Not sure if these are as effective.Will continue to take until used up... if no definitive effect will continue with melatonin.Appears from instructions that they shouldn't be used for over a month without medical referral.

Chris O.
Not Sold on Effectiveness

The pills are quite large, but not particularly difficult to swallow, nor do they taste bad. As for the effects, it's so difficult to really know as so many other inputs into quality of sleep. I don't think they made much impact for me, in regards to falling asleep faster, or keeping me asleep.